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Details | VIKO-SILICON® Organic silicon Fertilizer . VIKO-SILICON® is organic approved liquid silicon fertilizer for foliar spray as well as soil application to fulfill silicon need of plan to recover silicon deficiency and to increase fruit and vegetable size and weight. Which is combination of various natural organic matters, various plant extracts and animal extracts. VIKO-SILICON® is approved as per Indian organic standards as well as IFOAM accredited international organic standards. Indian Organic -NPOP Tags : organic fertilizer, spray organic fertilizer, organic fertilizer for spray, organic silicon, rice fertilizer, vegetable fertilizer, VIKO-SILICON, vivekon, organic silicon. VIKO-SILICON® is a Certified Organic fertilizer rich in Organic Silicon and Organic Potassium in liquid form. It is a combination of Water Soluble Silicon and Organic Potassium with Trace Micro-Elements. Silicon will strengthen the plant cell walls producing stronger healthier plants with massive root systems and increased resistance to pests and diseases. Water soluble Silicon improves uptake of nutrients and transport through the plant. Strengthens cell walls, helping plants to resist attacks from fungi and mites. Increases chlorophyll production leading to darker green leaves and improved light collection. Increases uptake of available carbon dioxide and utilizes the enhanced metabolic processes to deliver higher yields. Water soluble Silicon has an important role in the uptake and vascular transport of mineral nutrients and can greatly improve the mechanical “strength” of the plant and its resistance to fungal diseases. The beneficial effects of Silicon are usually expressed more clearly when plants are subjected to various Abiotic stresses (Abiotic stresses include high and low temperatures, salinity, drought, flooding, heavy metal stress and many other environmental factors.) and Biotic stresses (Biotic stress is stress that occurs as a result of damage done to plants by other living organisms, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, beneficial and harmful insects, weeds and cultivated or native plants) Silicon is probably the only element which is able to enhance the resistance to multiple stresses. VIKO-SILICON® certified organic fertilizer delivers following advantages in plant: • It is a complete Silicon Fertilizer. • Improves plants SAR (Systemic Acquired Resistance) towards insects and fungal diseases. • Improves Photosynthesis process in plant. • Improves veins structure in the plant. • Improves cell wall structure so better plant strength and long harvesting period. • Gives shiny fruits and increase shelf life of the fruits. Applicability : VIKO-SILICON® can be used on grain crops, vegetable, fruit crops, Lawns, turf, floriculture, ornamental plants. Cab be mixed with other for foliar spray products and soil application products. Can be spray as well as can be applied to soil by drip irrigation, fertigation system or drenching. Availability : VIKO-SILICON® is available in retail packing of 500ml, 1L, 5L and 20 L In bulk supply, available in packing of 200L, 1000L Dosages : For all crops 2ml per lit of water for foliar spray application and 4ml per lit of water for soil application per lit of water according to crop development stage. Can be applied from nursery to harvesting |
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Details | Organic Granular Fertilizer ORGOFERT® is organic approved granular fertilizer for soil application. Which is combination of various natural minerals extracted from natural mines, various plant extracts and animal extracts. ORGOFERT® is approved as per Indian organic standards as well as IFOAM accredited international organic standards and European organic standards EC834/2007. |
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Details | Organic Botanical Pesticides VARAD ® is organic approved botanical pesticide which is effective on all types of fly insects such as white fly, fruit fly etc and Milly Bugs family insects. Which is combination of various plant extracts and animal extracts. VARAD® is approved as per Indian organic standards as well as IFOAM accredited international organic |
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Details | Organic Silicon Super Spreader VISILON8083® is organic approved non-ionic silicon super spreader used in agriculture as adjuvant as well as tank mix for foliar spray as well as soil application. Its silicon is extracted from rice husk. VISILON8083 is approved as per Indian organic standards as well as IFOAM accredited international organic standards and European organic standards EC834/2007. |
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Details | DEFENDER® Botanical Pesticide. DEFENDER® is organic approved botanical pesticide which is effective on all types sucking pest such as thrips, mites and also act as plant food. Which is combination of various plant extracts and animal extracts. DEFENDER® is approved as per Indian organic standards as well as IFOAM accredited international organic standards. Indian Organic -NPOP Tags – Botanical pesticide, organic pesticide, bio pesticide, organic approved pesticide, sucking pest, defender, vivekon. DEFENDER® is an Organic Certified Botanical Pesticide to control Sucking Pests and also effective plant food. Sucking pests pierce plants with slender, sharp-pointed mouthparts and suck the plant sap. Withdrawal of the sap results in minute white, brown, or red spotting on the leaves, fruits, or stems of the plant. It may also cause curling leaves, deformed fruit, general wilting, browning, and drying of the entire plant. Many of these pests are also resistant to pesticides. Some of these pests are important virus vectors, transmitting a range of plant virus. Virus-infected plants cannot be cured. However, control measures can be used to prevent or reduce the levels of the disease in crops by removing, or avoiding the sources of virus infection, and minimizing spread by these sucking pests. Thrips Thrips are minute insects that feed on pollen and tender plant tissue. They typically hide in the cracks and crevices of leaf buds, junctures, and flowers. They rasp the tissue and suck up the exuding sap. Red Spider Mites Red spider mites are a garden pest that affects a wide variety of plants. A plant that is infested by red spider mites will start to look unhealthy and will have a dusty appearance to the undersides of their leaves. Close inspection will reveal that the dust is actually moving and is in fact the spider mites. The plant may also have some webbing on the underside or on the branches of plant Aphids: Often called plant lice, are small, soft-bodied insects. They range in color from black to green to yellow. Their numbers may greatly increase in a short time. They may cover the entire surface of a leaf or stem. They can be vectors of viruses. DEFENDER is combination of various Plant Extracts such as Allicin, Garlic, Chilly Seeds, Fish oil and others which are naturally available plant extracts. DEFENDER delivers following advantages in plant: • Very effective on all types of sucking pests such as Cotton Thrips, Red spider Mites, and other similar Insects. • Plant extracts provides various useful Alkaloids which increases plant’s SAR (Systemic Acquired Resistance). • Can be sprayed on the soil at Soil Preparation Stage to control soil insects. • Suitable for all stages from nursery to harvesting stages. Does not carry any residue in harvest. • Applicability : DEFENDER® can be used on grain crops, vegetable, fruit crops, Lawns, turf, floriculture, ornamental plants. Can be applied in combination with other pesticides and other organic products for foliar spray as well as soil application. Avalibility : DEFENDER® is available in retail packing of 250ml, 500ml, 1L. In bulk supply, available in packing of 200L & 1000L Dosages : For all crops 1ml to 2ml per lit of water according to crop development stage and insect attacks.. Can be applied from nursery to harvesting. 2L per 200L of water for soil application through drip irrigation, fertigation system or manual drenching |